Monday, November 16, 2009

Elive and Enlightenment

has been a while since my last linux learning, kinda amaze with what ubuntu have became, one of the reference in Linux world. Last time i see, ubuntu were still giving away free live CD when i was at collage.

anyway,i try to find a new distro on google and came up with elive, a debian distro which using enlightenment E17 desktop manager, unlike the other still using KDE or GNOME.

so i search at kambing cos its a local repository (indonesia),and they have it (hehehe kaya promosi), and it was kinda glowing desktop.

if you already install linux on your machine and wanna try enlightenment,you could still try installing it directly form their subversion server using their script (pls also check their site for requirenments, such as gcc and other packages).


set -e



svn co $SVN

PROJECTS="eina eet evas ecore embryo edje e_dbus efreet eina e"

export PATH="$PREFIX/bin:$PATH"

for PROJ in $PROJECTS; do
pushd trunk/$PROJ
make clean distclean || true
./ $OPT && make && sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

also try searching for grub2 or gujin bootloader if you want to boot from the iso you've downloaded without burning it into a CD.

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