The terms mobile positioning and mobile location are sometimes used interchangeably in conversation, but they are really two different things. Mobile positioning refers to determining the position of the mobile device. Mobile location refers to the location estimate derived from the mobile positioning operation.
There are various means of mobile positioning, which can be divided into two major categories - network based and handset based positioning. The purpose of positioning the mobile is to provide location-based services (LBS), including wireless emergency services.
Mobile IN Technologies for Positioning - MAP ATI
Mobile IN can also be deployed to assist in the positioning process. GSM and ANSI-41 based networks may employ the use of the GSM MAP Any Time Interrogation (ATI) and Position Request (PosReq) messages respectively for positioning.
These mobile IN procedures entail a LBS application middle-ware as an Service Control Function (SCF) launching a message (MAP ATI or PosReq) to the HLR for position information. The HLR may respond with approximate information (such as the COO) or more precise information (such as TA or NMR as in the case with GSM).
The value of mobile IN is to leverage the SS7 and IN network to obtain location, especially for mid-call/session position updates. Mobile IN may also be quite valuable for idle call positioning, but requires integration on the mobile network side to ensure current position information is made available.
MAP-ATI is a service provided by the HLR (Home Location Register). This service will respond the CGI data related to an MSISDN (Cell ID, MCC, MNC, and LAC). Because HLR is such an important component in the network, access to the HLR must be in very tight control. Systems that may have direct interaction with the HLR are of course limited.
This is why MAP-ATI Gateway is built. MAP-ATI Gateway will act as a proxy for client applications which need the MAP-ATI service.
MAP-ATI Gateway system is comprised of the following components:
• Web Service
• Management Tool
• MAP-ATI Requester
Below diagram shows MAP-ATI Gateway application structure:
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