Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sun and Oracle Deal Final

The huge cloud that has been hanging over the Sun-Oracle deal has finally been swept away and the deal consumated with blessings from regulators.

Oracle discussed their plans for Sun on 27 January, stating that they would cut Sun’s server line by 50% while increasing commitment to Sparc processors. They also restated a commitment to Java and called Java “the crown jewel” from Sun.

The press has been mum on Sun’s other products, including StarOffice, Solaris, the Modular Data Center, and VirtualBox for just a few. Oracle’s commitment has been stated towards these products in the past; whether that commitment will translate into action is yet to be seen.

Also not mentioned is Sun’s participation in open source projects such as NetBeans, OpenSPARC, and OpenSolaris. However, all three of these projects now show Oracle branding. This at least suggests that Oracle is aware of these projects (if it wasn’t just a case of switching out an Oracle logo instead of a Sun logo).

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